Following is the content of the file SiteDescription.txt in the root directory of the NOAA FTP server, saved at 2022-08-24.
Notes on the contents of the archive directory: Imagery in the GOES archive are presented as is, with no quality control beyond the initial checkout and acceptance of the original processing code. This imagery is not considered operational and as it is processed from the primary GOES ingest servers may be subject to anomalies and drop outs of data experienced during the normal course of satellite operations. Additionally, a single computer is tasked with creating these images and may be subject to outages during the course of normal daily operations. Please credit NOAA for the use of these images. All images in the GOES archive are processed in McIDAS using GOES channel 1 visible and GOES channel 4 infrared data. The underlying colored land image is from the NASA Blue Marble Next Generation data set. When using this basemap for web or other publications, please provide the following credit line: The basemap was provided by the Earth Observatory Team - NASA ( This archive contains the GOES image sequences created for and content. contains images of the Atlantic Ocean region in pixel dimensions of 1920x1440 in equirectangular projection. contains images of the continental US in pixel dimensions of 1920x1080 in equirectangular projection. The western periphery is filled in with GOES West imagery. The boundary between the two satellites' scans is sometimes perceptible due to differences in the timing of image acqusition. contains images centered on the Caribbean Sea in pixel dimensions of 1920x1080 in equirectangular projection. contains images of the western hemisphere taken at 1745Z each day, formatted in pixel dimensions of 4776x4776 as PNG on an alpha channel background. contains images of the western hemisphere taken at 1745Z each day, formatted in pixel dimensions of 2000x2000 as JPEG on a black background. contains images from the GOES East satellite in native McIDAS projection, formatted in pixel dimensions of 1920x1200, focused on the eastern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. contains images from the GOES West satellite in native McIDAS projection, formatted in pixel dimensions of 1920x1200, focused on the mid-Pacific Ocean near Hawaii and showing the west coast of the US. contains images centered on the Gulf of Mexico in pixel dimensions of 1920x1080 in equirectangular projection. contains images from the GOES East satellite centered in the western Atlantic Ocean giving a full regional view of the historical Atlantic Ocean hurricane extended area in pixel dimensions of 8192x5000 in equirectangular projection. These images are presented as cloud returns only. A corresponding land/ocean image is located at the top of the directory named HS_earth.png for post production. directory: contains binaries from the NOAA National Geophysical Data Center showing cloud-free composites of light generated from the surface of the earth taken by the DMSP F-18 satellite's OLS instrument and NASA/NOAA Suomi NPP satellite's VIIRS instrument. Please credit NASA/NOAA when using this data. NOTE THAT THESE ARE LARGE FILES; BE PATIENT WHEN DOWNLOADING contains the average OLS visible band for low moon nights in April 2012, resampled to 15 arc-seconds to match the VIIRS composite. Values are average DN values, ranging from 0-63. number of observations or "cloud-free coverages" in the OLS visible band average file. There are areas with no observations. contains average VIIRS DNB for 9 low moon nights in April 2012. Values are average cloud-free radiances multiplied by 1E9. number of observations in the VIIRS DNB average file. There are areas with no observations. contains average VIIRS M10 radiances for cloud-free "hot" pixels. Covers the same nights as the DNB composite. contains average VIIRS DNB for 9 low moon nights in April 2012, but using a top-hat filter to remove some of the stray light effects. Values are averaged radiances multiplied by 1E9.