

Airplane Lift and Drag Coefficients for the whole Range of AoA

Module to calculate Lift and Drag Coefficients for airplane wings over the whole range of Angle of Attack (AoA). The standard values are for an A320 with a CL / CD = 18 ratio.

function rad(x) { return x * Math.PI / 180; }

var ClModel = {

  aoa1: -5,
  aoa2: 18,
  cl1: 0.2,
  cl2: 5.16,
  cd1: 0.02,
  cd2: 0.026,
  clpOffset: 0.1,
  q: 25,
  graph: null,

  Init: function( g ) {
    this.graph = g;

  CL: function( aoa ) {
    // lift coefficient for wing profile
    var result = this.cl1 + this.cl2 * aoa;
    return result;

  CD: function( aoa ) {
    // drag coefficient for wing profile
    var result = this.cd1 + this.cd2 * Math.pow( this.CL(aoa), 2 );
    return result;

  CLP: function( aoa ) {
    // lift coefficient for flat wing
    var result = Math.sin( 2 * aoa ) + this.clpOffset;
    return result;

  CDP: function( aoa ) {
    // drag coefficient for flat wing
    var result = 1 - Math.cos( 2 * aoa );
    return result;

  Up: function( x, pos ) {
    // ramp up from 0 to 1 at pos
    var result = 1 / (1 + Math.exp( -this.q * (x - pos)));
    return result;

  Down: function( x, pos ) {
    // ramp down from 0 to 1 at pos
    var result = 1 / (1 + Math.exp( this.q * (x - pos)));
    return result;

  Win: function( x, pos1, pos2 ) {
    // ramp up from 0 to 1 at pos1 and down again at pos 2
    var result = this.Up( x, pos1 ) * this.Down( x, pos2 );
    return result;

  // public

  CLT: function( aoa ) {
    // lift coefficient for whole range of AoA
    // aoa in rad
    if (aoa >  Math.PI/2) aoa -= Math.PI;
    if (aoa < -Math.PI/2) aoa += Math.PI;
    var aoa1 = rad(this.aoa1);
    var aoa2 = rad(this.aoa2);
    var result = 
      this.Down( aoa, aoa1 )       * this.CLP( aoa ) + 
      this.Win(  aoa, aoa1, aoa2 ) * this.CL(  aoa ) + 
      this.Up(   aoa, aoa2)        * this.CLP( aoa );
    return result;

  CLT_deg: function( aoaDeg ) {
    // lift coefficient for whole range of AoA
    return this.CLT( rad(aoaDeg) );

  CDT: function( aoa ) {
    // drag coefficient for whole range of AoA
    // aoa in rad
    if (aoa >  Math.PI/2) aoa -= Math.PI;
    if (aoa < -Math.PI/2) aoa += Math.PI;
    var aoa1 = rad(this.aoa1);
    var aoa2 = rad(this.aoa2);
    var result = 
      this.Down( aoa, aoa1 )       * this.CDP( aoa ) + 
      this.Win(  aoa, aoa1, aoa2 ) * this.CD(  aoa ) + 
      this.Up(   aoa, aoa2)        * this.CDP( aoa );
    return result;

  CDT_deg: function( aoaDeg ) {
    return this.CDT( rad(aoaDeg) );

  Update: function( field ) {
    this.Draw( this.graph );

  Draw: function( g ) {
    g.SetWindowWH( -180, -2.5, 360, 5 );

    g.SetLineAttr( 'lightgray', 1 );
    g.Grid( 15, 0.2, true, false );

    g.SetLineAttr( 'black', 1 ); 
    g.Axes( 0, 0, 'Arrow1', 10 );
    g.TicsX( 0, 15, 3, 3, true, true );
    g.TicLabelsX( 0, 15, -4, 1, 0, true, true, '°' );
    g.TicsY( 0, 0.2, 3, 3, true, true );
    g.TicLabelsY( 0, 0.2, -4, 1, 1, true, true );

    g.SetLineAttr( 'blue', 2 );
    var deltaAoa = 360 / 360;
    var lastAoa = 180 + deltaAoa;
    for (aoa = -180; aoa <= lastAoa; aoa += deltaAoa) {
      g.AddPointToPoly( aoa, this.CLT_deg(aoa) );
    g.DrawPoly( 1 );

    g.SetLineAttr( 'red', 2 );
    var deltaAoa = 360 / 360;
    var lastAoa = 180 + deltaAoa;
    for (aoa = -180; aoa <= lastAoa; aoa += deltaAoa) {
      g.AddPointToPoly( aoa, this.CDT_deg(aoa) );
    g.DrawPoly( 1 );


var graph = NewGraph2D( {
  Id: 'JsGraph1',
  Width: '100%',
  Height: '75%',
  DrawFunc: function(g){ ClModel.Draw(g); },
  AutoReset: true,
  AutoClear: false,
  AutoScalePix: false,
} );

ClModel.Init( graph );

xOnLoad( function() { ClModel.Update(); } );

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Created Wednesday, July 14, 2021
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Changed Thursday, July 15, 2021