

Knowledge Database

This Knowledge Database is a collection of links to websites, videos and papers that support facts like that the earth is a rotating globe, that space and satellites exist, that man landed on the moon and many more.
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GPS worked fine all the way from Australia to Hawaii

⇒ www.youtube.com

#15 | 12/17/2016 | Author: Wolfie6020 | Type: Youtube | Keywords: GPS, Flight Tracking, ADS-B, Aircraft, Cockpit

This video shows my Bad Elf Pro GPS recorded a seamless log of the flight from Sydney to Hawaii. GPS works fine everywhere.

It seems many people are confusing the information they see on flight trackers like FlightAware and Flight Radar. These trackers can rely on ground based installations that receive information from the Aircraft, Radar and ADS-B. When the aircraft flies out of range of a ground station it will appear to "drop off the radar" on these simple flight trackers. The GPS is a one way system that provides location information to the aircraft and pilot. It has no tracking capability at all.

GPS works fine everywhere in the world.


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  • walter.bislins.ch/bloge/?page=Knowledg+Database
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