

Datei: Async: index.html

Inhalt der Datei: ./javascript/async/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>async Test</title>
<h1>async Test</h1>

<div id="out">

<script src="src/async.js"></script>


function Output(text) {
  var ele = document.getElementById('out')
  ele.innerHTML = ele.innerHTML + '<br>' + text;

function AsyncTest() {
  this.MaxLoop = 0;

AsyncTest.prototype.Init = function() {
  Output( 'Init' );
  this.MaxLoop = 5;

AsyncTest.prototype.Loop = function( Params ) {
  Output( 'Loop Start' );
  Async.CallObj( this, this.InLoop, Params );
  Output( 'Loop End' );
  return Params.LoopIx < this.MaxLoop;

AsyncTest.prototype.InLoop = function( Params ) {
  Output( 'InLoop: LoopIx = ' + Params.LoopIx );

AsyncTest.prototype.Final = function() {
  Output( 'Final' );

AsyncTest.prototype.Run = function() {
  Output( 'Run Start' );
  Async.CallObj( this, this.Init );
  Async.CallObj( this, this.Loop, { LoopIx: 0 } );
  Async.CallObj( this, this.Final );
  Async.CallObjDefered( 1000, this, this.Init );
  Async.CallObjDefered( 1000, this, this.Loop, { LoopIx: 0 } );
  Async.CallObjDefered( 1000, this, this.Final );
  Output( 'Run End' );

var myAsyncTest = new AsyncTest();



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Created Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2014
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Changed Dienstag, 17. Juni 2014