

GPS Flight Data and the Shape of the Earth

Wednesday, September 29, 2021 - 01:01 | Author: wabis | Topics: Aviatic, Geodesy, Interactive, FlatEarth
GPS Flight Data proves that the earth is not Flat, using Modus Tollens Logic. GPS data shows that Airplanes drop their Nose 1° per 111.2 km. Assuming that GPS data is recorded on a Flat Earth results in Impossible Speeds and Accelerations over Antarctica. The GPS Flight Data Visualisation App can be used to analyze GPS Flight Data.

And by the way, on this post we can find thousands of measurements of the radius of the earth, see column |X,Y,Z| in the Data Points table.

GPS Flight Data Visualisation App

Click on the data points to set the Reference Point (the airplane) to that point. Right click on a data point to set the Start Point. Data summed between Start and Reference Point is shown in the magenta info box. Click and drag the mouse to change the camera view and use the scroll wheel to zoom. To reset the view click on the button Nr. 1 in the lower right corner of the App Window below.

A short description of the elements in the App window can be found at Airplanes drop their Nose. For more informations how to control this App and what the values in the info boxes mean, please click on the Help button below the App window.

Data File: GreaterSapiens Flight all 37269 Points   ⇐ click to select another file