Please enter a search string or search expression.
Search Terms | |
abc | Search for words starting with abc (abc may be a regular expression). |
*abc | Search for words containing the string abc anywhere in the word (abc may be a regular expression). |
=abc | Search for whole words matching abc. Useful for abbreviations. (abc may be a regular expression). |
"any string" | search for exactly any string, which may contain spaces or any other characters. Use quotes if you want to search for strings that contain search operators. |
/regular expression/ | To search using regular expression matching. |
Search Operators | |
Term1 Term2 Term1 + Term2 | Search for records containing both Terms. |
Term1 | Term2 | Search for records containing one of the Terms. |
-Term | Search for records not containg Term. |
Term1 Term2 | Term3 Term1 + Term2 | Term3 | Search for records containing Term1 and additionally either Term2 or Term3. The or operator | has higher priority than the and operator +. |
Term1 | (Term2 Term3) Term1 | (Term2 + Term3) | Search for records containing either Term1 or both Term2 and Term3. |
Term1 - Term2 | Search for records containing Term1 but not Term2. |
Search Commands | |
~ | List a page of random records, same as button Show Random |
$ or $N | List all or N last records sorted by newest first. |
# or #N1,N2,... | List the last record or the records with ID's N#. |
You may combine all search operators like in mathematical formulas, e.g. Term1 + Term2 - (Term3 | Term4).