The final output of a navigation receiver is usually its position, speed or other related physical quantities. However, the calculation of these quantities are based on a series of measurements from one or more satellite constellations. Although receivers calculate positions in real time, in many cases it is interesting to store intermediate measures for later use. RINEX is the standard format that allows the management and disposal of the measures generated by a receiver, as well as their off-line processing by a multitude of applications, whatever the manufacturer of both the receiver and the computer application. [1]
Click into a field of the following example of a RINEX observation file to show a description of the field. Click anyhere in the image to hide the description. You can also select a field description by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the image.
Excluding the approximate position APPROX POSITION XYZ in the header, RINEX files do not contain position estimates. RINEX simply provides the raw observables from each satellite that are used to compute positions. [2]
The basic GNSS observable is the travelling time ΔT of the signal to propagate from the phase centre of the satellite antenna (at the emission time) to the phase centre of the receiver (at the reception time). This value multiplied by the speed of light gives us the apparent distance D = c · ΔT between them. This measurement D = c · ΔT is what we know as pseudorange or pseudodistance and it is an "apparent range" between the satellite and the receiver that does not match with its geometric distance due to synchronism errors between receiver and satellite clocks and atmospheric delays. [3]
Further GNSS observables are code pseudoranges and carrier phases as well as Doppler measurements. [4] [5] [6]
Pseudorandom noise (PRN) codes are an important element of code division multiple access (CDMA) based satellite navigation systems. This code allows any receiver to identify exactly which satellite(s) it is receiving. [7]
According to the RINEX 2.11 specification provided by NASA, APPROX POSITION XYZ refers to the position of the antenna marker. The coordinates are defined by WGS84. Typically the position is of psuedorange quality, i.e. not corrected for time and atmospheric errors. [2]
OPUS (Online Positioning User Service) uses the approximate position to select CORS (Continuously Operating Reference Stations). [8]